Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Criteria in Selecting a Babysitter

Criteria in Selecting a Babysitter

The secret to finding a good babysitter is to know exactly what you’re looking for in a babysitter. You must also identify the specific needs the babysitter must fulfill. Once you have recognized the major qualities you want in a good babysitter, you'll have an easier time finding the perfect babysitter to whom you can entrust your children.

Here are some questions you may want to consider in screening you potential babysitter. There is no right or wrong answer to these questions. It will just serve as a tool in identifying what you want in a babysitter:

- Is it important whether the babysitter is male or female? Be sincere with yourself here. If it doesn't matter, good. But if you feel you’d be uneasy with a male sitter, accept it and spare yourself from worry.

- How young is too young for a babysitter? Would you rather that the babysitter be college age? An older woman? Or would a high school teenager do?

- Does his/her appearance have a bearing? Is a pierced and tattooed babysitter fine with you? If not, precisely what are your restrictions with appearance?

- What additional tasks besides child care would you like your babysitter to do? Will she need to run errands? Make meals? Clean the house? Or is she just there to focus on the kids?

- Do you want the babysitter to be able to drive? Do you need proof of insurance? Will you want her to demonstrate that she can appropriately use a car seat?

- What about the babysitter's idle time? When the kids are asleep, what do you feel the babysitter should be doing? Some allow their sitters to use this time for their own homework or phone calls while others don't.

- What experience do you want in a babysitter? How many references will you be consulting? Should his/her experience be with kids the same age as yours or would any childcare experience be enough?

- Is education a big factor in your choice? Would you want a babysitter who has studied some aspects of education or childcare? Do you require First Aid or CPR certifications?

- Does your child have any particular needs that require specific skills or qualities from your babysitter?

- Is his/her religious affiliation significant to you? Will your babysitter be involved in any religious activities with your kids?
more info >> How to find a nanny


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